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Il Cine Museo 65 rimane temporaneamente chiuso.
- La mostra permanente Bolex-Paillard / Swiss Made sarà accessibile nella Sala Abete durante il semestre invernale 2024/25, con il ristorante iGrappoli aperto.


Das Cine Museo 65 bleibt vorübergehend geschlossen.
- Die Dauerausstellung Bolex-Paillard / Swiss Made ist während dem Winterhalbjahr 2024/25 in der Sala Abete, bei offenem Restaurant iGrappoli, zugänglich.


Le Cine Museo 65 est temporairement fermé.
- L'exposition permanente Bolex-Paillard / Swiss Made sera accessible pendant le semestre d'hiver 2024/25 dans la Sala Abete, le restaurant iGrappoli étant ouvert.


The Cine Museo 65 remains temporarily closed.
- The permanent exhibition Bolex-Paillard / Swiss Made will be open during the winter semester 2024/25 in the Sala Abete, with the iGrappoli restaurant open.


CiMu65 - Cine Museo 65 / Cineteca


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Aperto tutto l'anno ... ma ora solo su richiesta


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Volantini dell'

Amateur Film Atelier e del Cine Museo 65 dal 2015 ...


Individui, famiglie e gruppi, (ri)scoprono l'evoluzione del cinema amatoriale ...


Cronistoria del cinema amatoriale in Ticino e in Svizzera dal 1931 ...

AFA-Sessa - Amateur Film Atelier

Rolf Leuenberger Fund

The collection comprises more than 2500 film technology devices, documents and analogue films from 1922 to 1987.


‘One day, an famous architect, financed by a generous sponsor,
will build a house for the Cine Museo 65 in Ticino.’
An exceptional example can be found in Paris. Video: PA#47




Large library of journals and books, as well as film archive and knowledge ...


Film archives, film libraries, researchers, producers, documentalists, filmmakers ...


Union International du cinéma

... a international filmfestival since 1931 ...


Rolf's selection from youtube & vimeo, but our own museum videos only in the museum ...


A treasure chest for the technically interested with tips and advice, as well as useful links ...


Collection of magnetic tape video equipment ...

Come arrivare ...  /  How to get there ...

Rolf Leuenberger, Cine Museo 65 CH-6997 Sessa TI Switzerland

by Train, Tram & Bus (via Ponte Tresa)

Bus-Stop:   Sessa, Cimitero

Our Location Partner welcomes you

Reception   +41 (0)91 608 11 87

Cine Museo 65 CH-6997 Sessa TI Switzerland